Agilent 6550 UHD Accurate Mass QTOF MS
- Mass Analyzer: Quadrupole Time Of Flight (QTOF)
- Ionisation Sources: ESI, APCI, APPI , ASAP
- Detector: Electron multiplier
- Mass accuracy within 1 ppm; m/z (z=1) less than 500
- MS/MS accuracy within 2 ppm
- S/N ratio of 450:1
- Resolution of 42,000 at m/z 2722
- High Femtogram level sensitivity, I pg at m/z 609
- Dynamic range of up to five orders
- Ability to scan multiple precursor ions ~50
- Rapid polarity switching of 1.5 sec
- Scan rates of 50 Hz
- Positive and negative ion modes

Agilent 6540 UHD Accurate Mass QTOF MS
- Mass Analyzer: Quadrupole Time Of Flight (QTOF)
- Ionisation Sources: ESI, APCI, APPI , ASAP
- Detector: Electron multiplier
- Mass accuracy within 1 ppm; m/z (z=1) less than 500
- MS/MS accuracy within 2 ppm
- S/N ratio of 450:1
- Resolution of 42,000 at m/z 2722
- High Femtogram level sensitivity, I pg at m/z 609
- Dynamic range of up to five orders
- Ability to scan multiple precursor ions ~50
- Rapid polarity switching of 1.5 sec
- Scan rates of 50 Hz
- Positive and negative ion modes

Agilent 1260 Infinity Nanoflow LC
G4225A 1260 HiP Degasser
G1376A 1260 Cap Pump
- Flow rate between 0.01 to 20.0 μl per min
- Pressure range 20 to 400 bar (5880 psi) system pressure
- Recommended pH range 1.0 – 8.5, solvents with pH < 2.3 should not contain acids which attack stainless steel. Upper pH range is limited by fused silica capillaries.
G4446A 1260 Nano Flow pump
- Flow rate between 0.01 to 4.0 μl per min
- Pressure range 20 – 400 bar (5880 psi) system pressure
- Flow Precision :< 0.2 % RSD.
G1330B 1290 Thermostat
- Temperature range Settable from 4 °C to 40 °C in 1 ° increments
G1377A 1260 HiP MicroALS
- Sample capacity 2 mL vials in 2 x 54 vial plate
- Injection range 0.01 – 8 µL in 0.01 µL increments
- Pressure range Up to 400 bar (5880 psi)

Agilent 1260 Infinity Binary LC system
- Flow range 0.05 – 5.0 mL/min
- Flow precision< 0.07% RSD
- Pressure operating range 600 bar
- Gradient formation High-pressure binary mixing
- Autosampler capacity 100 vials Injection volume of 0.1‐100 µl in 0.1µl increments
- pH range 1.0‐12.5

Agilent CHIP cube interface
- Microfluidic chip-based technology specifically designed for nanospray LC/MS.
- Ambient operating temperature 5 – 40 °C
- orthogonal dual electrode nanospray ion source
- Integrated camera and light source directly in spray chamber.
- Video output to external monochrome monitor for spray visualization
Cleaning or Replacing the Valve Rotors
Chip and peptide mapping

Agilent GC-MSD
7890 GC
- Split / Splitless capillary inlet: Split ratio of up to 7,500:1
- Column oven operating temperature range + 4 to 450°C
- Temperature set point resolution 0.1°C
- Supports 20 oven ramps
- Maximum achievable temperature ramp of 120°C/min
5977B MSD
- EI source
- Ion source temperature 150–350 °C
- Quadrupole temperature 106–200 °C
- Mass Filter Heated monolithic hyperbolic quadrupole
- Mass range 1.6–1,050 u
- Scan speed up to 20,000
- Mass accuracy 1-μL injection of a 100 pg/μL OFN1 standard at m/z 271.987 ± 0.0052
- Mass axis stability better than 0.10 u/48 hours
- Detector Triple-Axis Detector with high energy dynode and long life electron multiplier
- Software GC/MSD MassHunter Acquisition
- Spectral Library NIST 2017
Agilent 5977B Series MSD Operating Manual

Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler
- Sample handling 12 vial capacity
- Single position, solid aluminum vial oven
- Chromatographic performance <1.5% RSD
- Oven Off, 35 °C to 210 °C
- Valve and Loop Off, 35 °C to 210 °C
- Transfer Line Off, 35 °C to 250 °C